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Sunday 26 July 2015

A mad man's world.

Darling, did someone warn you that it was a mad man's world? 
When you hopped around in that pretty little dress bubbling with ideas and gleaming at the thought of making it big one day, did you expect what's it going to be like? 
When you invited a bunch of frolicking lads you solemly swore to your protected little toy, were the true meaning of friendship, to join in over a game of tea party, or when you blew off the candle which exclaimed to be marked as "four", would one day itch in the name of competition on the other side of the door? 
When you turned you back, as everyone passed the box of parcel until the music hymned, 
Did it ever occur to you, how everyone shrugged it forward, just like responsibility as the time trimmed? 
When you saw your father all suited up, ready to face the bright sunny day, 
The smile hid the reality of people's intentions and dirty office ways,
Yet with age, you let yourself get engulfed  in this mad man's world so ugly, 
Diseased with the syndrome to make it big somehow, in what field you still haven't chalked out even roughly? 
Tiptoeing your way through today, you watch a zillion people cross your path , pushing, snatching or staring in oblivion, this mind races to the possibilities of an end or a new start
You murmur to yourself, in amaze and wonder, 
Will I just be another swan in the lot, choosing the wrong field and making a blunder? 
I hope you find the right direction soon which truly makes me happy, 
Because darling it's a mad man's world so snappy! 


  1. Cosplay Coldplay14 August 2015 at 10:53

    "When she was just a girl
    She expected the world
    But it flew away from her reach so
    She ran away in her sleep
    And dreamed of
    Para-para-paradise, Para-para-paradise, Para-para-paradise
    Every time she closed her eyes

    When she was just a girl
    She expected the world
    But it flew away from her reach
    And the bullets catch in her teeth
    Life goes on, it gets so heavy
    The wheel breaks the butterfly
    Every tear a waterfall
    In the night the stormy night she'll close her eyes
    In the night the stormy night away she'd fly."

    Reminds me of you as I flow & fly through your stories.

    Thank you for the new experience.

  2. That comment surely made me smile, and turned the day into a tolerable one. :)

    Being compared to or thought in context of Coldplay is truly an appreciation beyond my capabilities. Thank you so very much! :')

  3. Very nice lines, even I like the comment from Cosplay

  4. Pawan : The hawa ka kidding.
    Thank you mate.Cheers !

    Ms. Teotia, your words make my day into a tolerable one too :)

    Bdw 23rd August, me mums birthday :)

  5. Me encantan tus artículos. que son hermosas. por lo que son . ¿quieres casarte conmigo por favor

  6. jaja, gracias por la apreciación :) No sé mucho español , pero es agradable ver a alguien amar mi trabajo tanto!
