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Friday 6 May 2016

Europe diaries I

As she set afoot the narrow stairs of the bold journey ahead of her, she smiled with a cup of her favourite "Javachip" cold coffee that she grabbed just in time (rather five minutes late!), finally breathing a sigh of relief..."it's really happening, girl!" She thought of the smug lady she encountered at the Starbucks stall, who apparently reached after her, yet was greeted well by her in name of a good international trip ahead, only to be smudged in the face with an *I'm Indian, yet I'll throw some weird mixed British accent at you, showing you outrightly how low I can steep for that one cup of coffee, devoid of any sweet response or expression whatsoever!* But oh, well Nandini, let it go...she thought to herself, as she beamed with excitement and took large steps towards the flight, consciously stepping foot away from her homeland to another continent altogether...the land of her dreams, all made possible with endless endeavours at a job that marred her physically and mentally, but brought her to the capability of going forward with the idea of a self funded dream like trip to EUROPE.

Lucky for Nandini, the flight was not entirely full, getting her the last minute option to switch to a window seat (who would ever ditch that?!), the idea of scrumptious meals, good wine and obviously a good choice of movie. Yes, she had been guilty as charged for still not watching an amazing movie like Lunchbox, so she finally did. The time seemed to have flown by in a jiffy, except for the part when the plane was flying over Black Sea (or maybe thats what every hydrophobic person rambles about). As the plane finally descended towards the destination, tears of joy and happiness filled her eyes. She gulped down the emotions in her enthusiasm, as a moment like this needed to be felt and preserved in her eyes, lest anyone else debar the beautiful memory. Within the thin clouds emerged the gleaming grandeur of Vienna's architecture, as she pinched herself, "This is it! I'm here. This dream is real!". Lost in the enigma, she didn't realise when the plane landed, because for her it was only the beginning... :)