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Sunday 3 June 2012


And if you were here, I could deceive you
And if you were here, you would believe
And would you suspect my emotions wanderin'? Yeah Do not wanna part to this anymore

The rainwater drips through the cracks in the ceilin' And I'll have to spend my time on repair
And just like the rain, I'll be always fallin', yeah
Only to rise and fall again...

Life and its ways. We smile at one moment, cry the next. Fight and hurt the people we care most about and eventually realize a special feeling for that one extraordinary person. To the world, she might be just another girl, around the corner. But you don't realize when she appears out of these thin clouds of disparity and takes your whole world by storm. What is this unexplained desire to be near her all the time? To catch her everytime she'd fall? Is it that complicated word which in itself is considered the most pure and divine? Or is it just conformity? She might be just a habit. A way out to uncomplicate life happenings. But how do you know?

Its that one word, yes, we all think we've experienced or are experiencing it...but actually the truth is different from what it seems to be. Love. A word considered most pure and divine. Then what is friendship? Sorry to break it to you, but its friendship which is the most uncomplicated, unharmed and true. Lets just call love trivial. All it causes is lies, hurt, unhappiness. Its that cruel weapon which consumes you in a frenzy from which it is impossible to break free. To love someone is easy and almost instant. But to find someone who loves you is sometimes the hardest task.

"I'm just another girl. Standing infront of a guy. Wanting to be loved..."

What's the faintest of possibility is to find someone you love who loves you back. Very few lucky people who love someone and are loved in return, disregard this fortune, for what reasons, i wish I'd know. They may regret their decisions one day, but till then the damage is done. The hurt find shelter to let out their emotions to another identity, a stranger i may call, to the heart. This stranger turns into the source of happiness. Smile. A new start.
That stranger becomes your best friend, or was all this time, you don't know. All you know is, that you need her. She's your only getaway. But what if in this whole process to rediscover your inner self, makes her fall for you? Yes, its a great feeling to be loved, but what about her? Is it fair, to pretend and fake a smile just to not let her happiness fade away? Its care, a lot of it. But that's it.
Love happens once. We can try convincing ourselves that we can be in and out of it, but the reality is that we're deceiving ourselves and those we care about. Its the most difficult task, but to have stability and happiness back in your life, you must draw a conclusive line between being in love with someone and the idea of loving someone. Its easier said than done. The fact remains that the mind plays games with you. Convincing you that she's the one. But deep down inside, you know its always been someone else, and it'll stay the same forever. Then why ruin things further by listening to your mind boggling thoughts and not your wise heart and feelings?

Just follow your heart, and be with that one person who matters the most. Nothing else can then ever come in your way. Don't search for love. Let it find you. 'Cause when it happens, it'll be real, and that's when you'll know your life is complete. Time, is what heals a broken heart, not new people or the false hope that its someone else who you can be with, is the one. Preach the idea that in all this confusion and soul searching, the one holding your hand and shielding you from all the wrong possibilities is the one you can make happy, and not the idea that being with her will make you happy. 'Cause the best answer to this complicated phase is to be loved by someone who loves you rather than someone you love, who doesn't care. :)


  1. I m totally taken aback after reading this! Answers a lot of questions which I had in mind. Its beautiful how u put the idea of finding love and letting love find you. But the truth lies somewhere else. Its the reality, which is always different than what our mind perceives as.
    Beautiful writing.

  2. I love your writing Ayushi Didi.It's very beautifully written. :)
